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simulate allows to draw samples from a given TwoStageDesign.


# S4 method for TwoStageDesign,numeric
simulate(object, nsim, dist, theta, seed = NULL, ...)



TwoStageDesign to draw samples from


number of simulation runs


data distribution


location parameter of the data distribution


random seed


further optional arguments


simulate() returns a data.frame with nsim

rows and for each row (each simulation run) the following columns

  • theta: The effect size

  • n1: First-stage sample size

  • c1f: Stopping for futility boundary

  • c1e: Stopping for efficacy boundary

  • x1: First-stage outcome

  • n2: Resulting second-stage sample size after observing x1

  • c2: Resulting second-stage decision-boundary after observing x1

  • x2: Second-stage outcome

  • reject: Decision whether the null hypothesis is rejected or not

See also


design <- TwoStageDesign(25, 0, 2, 25, 2, order = 5)
# draw samples assuming two-armed design
simulate(design, 10, Normal(), .3, 42)
#>    theta n1 c1f c1e        x1 n2   c2         x2 reject
#> 1    0.3 25   0   2 2.4316186  0 -Inf  1.3048697   TRUE
#> 2    0.3 25   0   2 0.4959620 25    2  3.3473056   TRUE
#> 3    0.3 25   0   2 1.4237886 25    2 -0.3282005  FALSE
#> 4    0.3 25   0   2 1.6935228 25    2  0.7818714  FALSE
#> 5    0.3 25   0   2 1.4649285 25    2  0.9273388  FALSE
#> 6    0.3 25   0   2 0.9545357 25    2  1.6966106  FALSE
#> 7    0.3 25   0   2 2.5721822  0 -Inf -0.2842529   TRUE
#> 8    0.3 25   0   2 0.9660011 25    2 -1.5957952  FALSE
#> 9    0.3 25   0   2 3.0790839  0 -Inf -2.4404669   TRUE
#> 10   0.3 25   0   2 0.9979461 25    2  2.3807735   TRUE